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Is your child sick? (attendance office)

Attendance Policy

The staff at APPLES believe that all students should attend class regularly and be on time. Adhering to these guidelines will ensure that your child develops a lifelong positive attitude towards school. A sense of responsibility and routine around school attendance will help your little one feel safe and secure. Excessive absences negatively impact the student's progress and academic growth. APPLES staff take regular attendance that is monitored closely by personnel.

According to the Stamford Board of Education Attendance Policy #5113-R, if your child will be absent, it is your responsibility to notify your child's teacher. If you have not, staff from APPLES will contact you in order to obtain a reason for the absence. Preschool is also a place where germs and sickness can spread rapidly. It is important that you also keep the school nurse updated with medical reasons and notes if need be from your child's pediatrician on why your child has been home from school. Please keep students home until they are fever free for 24 hours and has not thrown up in 24 hours.

APPLES takes attendance seriously. Academic and social growth flourishes with regular attendance, your child’s consistent attendance is the only way to maximize exposure to curriculum, socialization and individualized interventions outlined, as identified in student IEP plans. Students absent for more than 10 days for non-medical reasons will be withdrawn from APPLES, requiring the family to register upon return. This situation causes the real possibility that your child may not be in the same class or be assigned to the same teacher before the extended absence began.

APPLES teachers begin daily activities no later than ten minutes after the official start of school. According to Board Policy #5113-R, three tardies to class will be recorded as one absence.

For further questions regarding the Stamford Board of Education attendance policy, please refer to the Stamford Policy Guide for Families that is sent to all parents and guardians at the beginning of the school year.