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District News

Jennifer Gonzalez

Wednesday, February 12 at 6 pm

UPDATE: Due to possibility of inclement weather, this meeting will be via Zoom.

Go to: Meeting ID: 889 5166 3180

Registration Required!

Meeting presented with Spanish and Haitian-Creole interpretation.

What happens after your child receives a special needs or disability diagnosis? Join us as Adrianna Ramirez from The Connecticut Family Support Network (CTFSN) shares information, tips, and resources for managing your family’s special needs journey. CTFSN is committed to helping families of individuals with disabilities and special health care needs, and the professionals who work with them, find information, resources and supports to improve their lives. Members of the SPS Special Education Department will also be available to answer your questions.

SCOPES is a committee of the Parent Teacher Council of Stamford in partnership with Stamford Public Schools. SCOPES is a parent support network and community resource on special education issues.

Jennifer Gonzalez

Dear SPS Community: 

This is National School Counseling Week, and I would like to take this opportunity to recognize the incredible school counselors in our secondary schools. National School Counseling Week, presented by the American School Counselor Association, was created to highlight the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career. Here in Stamford, our 39 secondary school counselors help students plan their high school course of study, apply to specialized high school programs like AgriScience and International Baccalaureate, and work with students throughout the college application and acceptance process. Our school counselors are dedicated professionals to whom our students can turn for advice, support, and guidance, and we are grateful for their contributions every day!  

2025-26 High School Program of Studies Available Now 

The 2025-26 High School Program of Studies is now available. The Program of Studies details the academic opportunities available to our nearly 5,000 students at AITE, Stamford High School, and Westhill High School. View/download the AITE Program of Studies and the Stamford High / Westhill Program of Studies or visit our website to view the content in 11 different world languages.   

More than 450 courses will be offered next year across all three high schools. During the next few weeks,  students will be meeting with their school counselors to select their courses for the 2025-26 school year. New courses being offered in 2025-26 include: 

  • AP CK Cyber: Networking (SHS)
  • AP CK Cyber: Security (WHS)
  • AP Pre-Calculus (AITE)
  • Athletic Leadership (SHS/WHS)
  • Business Strategies (SHS)
  • CNA Certified Nursing Assistant (WHS)
  • CT State Housatonic Benchwork (WHS)
  • CT State Housatonic Blueprint Reading (WHS)
  • Debating US History (AITE)
  • Debating World History (AITE) 
  • Digital Media I & II (AITE/SHS/WHS)
  • Hotel and Restaurant Management (SHS)
  • Intro to Virtual Reality (SHS)
  • Principles of Management (SHS)
  • Project Lead the Way Consumer Chemistry (AITE)
  • UCONN ECE Personal Finance (SHS/WHS)

For students who want to challenge themselves with the most rigorous coursework, SPS is a state leader in the number of college-level Advanced Placement and UConn Early College Experience courses available to high school students.   

Students and families with questions about the graduation requirements or specific courses should speak with their school counselor. 

Meeting for Families of Students with Disabilities - February 12 

The Stamford Coalition of Parents Expecting Success (SCOPES) meets next Wednesday at 6 pm at the AITE Cyber Cafe at 411 High Ridge Road. This month, families of students with special needs will learn how to manage their child’s special education journey. Our guest speaker is Adrianna Ramirez from the Connecticut Family Support Network (CTFSN).  

The meeting will be presented with simultaneous Spanish and Haitian Creole interpretation. Please register to let us know if you will participate and if you need interpretation services. 

2025 Legislative Session

The 2025 Connecticut General Assembly Regular Session is underway in Hartford. Members of our delegation are strong advocates for Stamford Public Schools, and I want to thank them for meeting with Mayor Simmons and me last month to discuss Stamford’s legislative priorities, which include increasing Educational Cost Sharing (ECS) funds, funding school meals for all students, increasing the Excess Cost Grant funds for special education and funding for additional Pre-K programs.

Please click here to find your state representatives.


Stay Safe and Healthy!

Dr. Tamu Lucero
Superintendent of Schools




Megaphone icon
Jennifer Gonzalez


Happy Retirement Ms. Liz!!

After more than 24 years of serving up delicious meals with a side of laughter and love, Scofield’s Liz Gorman is retiring, and we will never be quite the same. Her meals were always made with care, her laughter was contagious, and her warm heart made the cafeteria feel like home. She’s been a constant source of joy and comfort, and we’ll miss her more than words can say. Thank you for all the amazing memories, Ms. Liz—enjoy your well-deserved retirement! You’ll always have a place in our hearts.

Retiree Ms. Liz with Scofield studentsRetiree Ms. Liz with Scofield students

Submitted by Sandy Schwoerer


Shoutout to APPLES and Lockwood Students!

We wrapped up our clothing unit of study with an exciting school-wide fashion show! Throughout the unit, students explored different types of clothing, including clothes for various jobs and cultures around the world. They also learned how clothing is made and ways to take care of it. To celebrate all they learned, we hosted a fun fashion show, and the children had a blast showing off their styles. It was a fantastic way to bring our learning to life! 

APPLES student dressed as a cowboyAPPLES students participating in fashion showAPPLES student dressed as a cowboy

Submitted by Brooke Pelli


Roxbury Read-a-Thon Success! 

A huge shout-out to our amazing Roxbury community for coming together and raising an incredible $11,615! Thank you for your generosity and support—this was truly a team effort!


Congratulations to our top classes! Mr. Edwards’ class logged the most minutes read (3,710 minutes!) and earned a pizza party! Ms. Alswanger’s class raised the most funds ($1,350!) and won a treat party! Way to go, Roxbury readers! Keep up the amazing work!


Submitted by Sandra Ehlers


Glow Night 

On Thursday, January 30 the Newfield Literacy Committee hosted its first Literacy “Glow” Night. Over 60 families participated in a night full of literacy activities. Families met in the cafeteria for a delicious pizza dinner then were off to their exciting teacher led stations. They engaged in syllable and phoneme hopscotch, an invisible ink phonics activity, read-alouds, an oral language activity and a school-wide game of scrabble. 


The Literacy Committee decorated the halls and classrooms with neon lights, glow in the dark stickers and used black lights to expose words written in invisible ink. Students were greeted with gift bags full of highlighters, invisible ink pens, and glow sticks to help illuminate the way! Newfield was radiating and families left excited about reading with their students! A huge thank you to the staff volunteers and our literacy committee for all their hard work in putting together an amazing event for our families.

Newfield staff and literacy committee at their first Literacy Glow NightNewfield students engaged in Literacy Glow Night activities Newfield students engaged in Literacy Glow Night activities


Emmet’s Book Nook 

Newfield students are excited to choose books from “Emmet’s Book Nook” in our school library. Emmet Manheim’s family, in collaboration with Scholastic this year, generously donated books in his memory. The initiative will give students an opportunity to choose a book to read and then donate it to their classroom once they’re finished. This thoughtful effort not only honors Emmet’s legacy but also promotes literacy and provides children with access to new reading materials. This yearly donation helps to foster a love of reading and learning in the Newfield community. Thank you to the Manheim family!

Newfield students at Emmet's Book NookNewfield students at Emmet's Book Nook

Submitted by Mandi Leale 


Student-Centered Learning

At Stark Elementary, the emphasis has been placed on student-centered learning and collaborative teaching approaches. Educators have designed various opportunities that empower students to take charge of their educational journey by actively participating in academic activities that foster engagement and personal investment in their learning process.


Kudos to our educators: Resource SPED teachers Ashley Murphy, David Casole, Barbara Galic, OT teacher Marisa Gurka, student teacher Taylor Logan, SPED paraeducators Suzanne Manela and Deborah Bouchard. 

Stark educators working with studentsStark educators working with studentsStark educators working with students

Submitted by Iuliana Roata



Bravo to our Instrumental Teacher Adam Jackson for putting on a wonderful Winter Concert, showcasing our fourth and fifth grade Orchestra and Band! Our students played to a full house! Our families so enjoyed watching their children shine! Bravo!!

Stillmeadow fourth and fifth grade students performing in their Winter ConcertStillmeadow fourth and fifth grade students performing in their Winter Concert

Submitted by Kathleen Kelley


Toquam Celebrates World Read Aloud with Author Visits and Guest Readers! 

Toquam students celebrated World Read Aloud day with author visits from childrens’ authors Gary Gray, Sonya Thomas, Tonya Ellis, and guest readers Principal Brooks and Toquam Kindergarten Teacher and author Yvette Cole! Our students had a great time listening to our visiting authors read from their books and hearing Principal Brooks and Ms. Cole as guest readers! What a great way to celebrate reading at Toquam! We can’t wait for next year!

Collage of pictures from Toquam's Read Aloud Day Celebration

Submitted by Jenna Cinelli


Westover Celebrates Inclusivity

Westover would like to shout out our new instrumental music teacher, Brian Ditchella, for his work with our STAR students on the drums. Mr. Ditchella teaches a band class with our fourth through sixth grade STAR students each Wednesday morning to ensure that all students at Westover have access to band. 


In the spirit of inclusivity, which is a Westover trademark, we also welcomed Magic Matt who entertained our STAR and kindergarten through second grade students at an assembly on Friday, January 31. It is of note that Magic Matt is deaf. Thank you to our generous PTO for supporting this wonderful opportunity.

Magic Matt at Westover


Westover’s Souper Bowl Challenge

Shout out to James Hart (APS Team Leader) and Mitch West (Social Worker) at Westover for organizing the Souper Bowl Challenge. The Westover community showed “Compassion in Action” on Friday, February 7 in sports gear to raise money and donations for Person to Person. Students and staff were asked to wear their favorite jersey or sports team apparel and donate a $1 (or more) or a can of soup. Canned donations were placed in either a box labeled Chiefs or Eagles giving students and staff the opportunity to vote for which team they think will win. It’s clear that Westover thinks it’s time for a new team to win the Super Bowl… Go Eagles!  

Canned donations from Westover's Souper Bowl Challenge

Submitted by Larissa Weir


What is an SPS Shout Out?

An SPS Shout Out is a special recognition that acknowledges school communities, staff members or students who have inspired us with a unique project, an outstanding job or a special effort that had a positive impact on our students or community.  Each week we will celebrate a few by sharing with all SPS staff and posting on the district website. Please share any or all of these with your friends and families.   

SPS Administrators can submit Shout Outs for consideration through the link available in the Administrator Weekly. Please note the deadline, word limit, and photo limit. We look forward to seeing your submissions!


Jennifer Gonzalez

Dear SPS Community: 

On Thursday, I was joined by Mayor Simmons, BOE President Michael Hyman, Family Centers Chief Health Officer Dennis Torres, and many community partners for the Grand Opening of the Stamford Public Schools Welcome Center. The Welcome Center is where parents and families can go for assistance with registration, school physical appointments, PowerSchool and other technology, or to get information about community resources. I encourage everyone to stop by the Welcome Center, located at 11 W. North Street within Cloonan Middle School, to see this new facility and to meet the Family & Community Engagement staff.  

Upcoming BOE Budget Meetings 

The FY26 budget process continues next week with two important meetings: 

  • Tuesday, February 4 at 6:30 pm (in person and via Zoom): The BOE monthly workshop meeting will focus on the FY26 budget. 
  • Thursday, February 6 at 7 pm (in person and via Zoom). The BOE will host its annual public budget hearing. This is the public’s opportunity to address the Board regarding the FY26 Budget. You must email the Board secretary, Jennifer Gonzalez, by 6 pm on February 6 to speak at the meeting.  

We now have a Community Budget Guide (English/Spanish) for FY26. The detailed budget book and other FY26 budget documents are available to view online

End of Year Planning: Moving Up & Graduation Dates

We’ve made it through December and January without any weather-related school closures. As a reminder, any weather-related closures in February or March will be added to the end of the school year, which as of now is Thursday, June 12. 

Some of you are already asking about the dates for high school graduations and elementary, K-8, and middle school moving up ceremonies. Due to possible inclement weather days, it is the practice in Stamford to wait until late March to set high school graduation dates. We will share the dates for our high school graduations and moving up ceremonies in early April. 

School Meals Program 

There’s been some misinformation circulating about the school meals program for next school year. 

Since 2020, Stamford Public Schools has provided meals to all students at no charge thanks to generous COVID-era meal reimbursements from the federal government and the District’s participation in the USDA’s Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). CEP enables districts with a high percentage of students who qualify for free and reduced lunch to provide meals to all students at no charge. 

With the excess federal meal reimbursement funds now depleted, the District would need to add $1 million to the operating budget to continue providing free meals for all students next year. Instead, it is likely that when school opens in the fall, we will return to the program where only students who qualify for free and reduced-price meals—after completing the application process—would receive that benefit.

APPLES 2025-26 Parent Information Session: February 5 

If you are entering your child in the APPLES Pre-K General Education Program lottery for the 2025-26 school year, please attend the Parent Information Session on Wednesday, February 5 at 5:30 pm. During this meeting, parents will learn about the program and have the opportunity to tour the school. 

The APPLES General Education Program lottery is open now for 2025-26. Click here to apply. Applications are due February 24. 

Students must be at least 3 years old on or before September 1, 2025, to attend APPLES.  


Stay Safe and Healthy!

Dr. Tamu Lucero
Superintendent of Schools



Megaphone icon
Jennifer Gonzalez

Shake, Shake, Shake — Butter We Will Make! 

Kindergarten students spent the last several weeks learning about farms through our CKLA unit. During this time we talked about our food and how it is produced and harvested. To wrap up the unit students made their own butter using heavy cream. They shook the bottle and watched it go from liquid to a whipped butter! Then they enjoyed it with some crackers. Two thumbs up! 

Springdale students making butter from scratch Springdale students making butter from scratch Springdale students making butter from scratch

Submitted by Theresa Ferro


Emmet’s Book Nook

Emmet Manheim, a former student at Stark, tragically passed away just over five years ago. In his memory his mother, Lisa Manheim, visited Stark to enhance Emmet’s Book Nook by contributing more than 150 new books, generously donated by Scholastic Books. Over the last five years, her team has proudly contributed over 20,000 books to Stamford Public Schools.

Lisa Manheim with Stark principal at Emmet's Book Nook


Reading Beyond Limits

Mrs. Martin’s first grade students engage in virtual meetings on a monthly basis with students from Mrs. Ulysses’ class at a New York public school, where they participate in partner reading activities and share insights with one another. 


This initiative not only enriches the reading experience but also cultivates a more inclusive and expansive view of the world, ultimately leading to personal growth and a broader cultural awareness.

Students from SPS and NY Public Schools interacting via virtual meetingsStudents from SPS and NY Public Schools interacting via virtual meetings


Force and Motion

In the field of science education, students in Mrs. Cyndal Wilmot’s third grade engaged with the concepts of force and motion. As part of their learning experience, they were tasked with the design and construction of vehicles that must achieve a minimum travel distance of 39 inches. Kudos to our scientists! 

Stark students building their mini vehicles Stark students building their mini vehicles

Submitted by Iuliana Roata


Second Grade Chinese New Year Celebration

Ms. Inzitari, Mrs. Kopec, Mrs. Yantorno, and Mrs. Sargent’s second grade classes created and performed a cultural celebration of the Lunar New Year as a culminating activity to their Early Asian Civilizations CKLA Unit. The second graders rotated through each other’s classrooms throughout the day to create dragon masks, Chinese lanterns, snake crafts, and to play vocabulary bingo with their new vocabulary words. The real treat was the Lion Dance, performed in the front lobby by the second graders, with the kindergarten classes joining in to watch! The second grade classes would like to wish a Happy Lunar New Year to all!

Northeast students partaking in Chinese New Year celebrations Northeast students partaking in Chinese New Year celebrations Northeast students partaking in Chinese New Year celebrations


Northeast Has Talent

On January 24, third, fourth, and fifth grade students showcased their musical talent, comedic relief, dance skills, and magical expertise in Northeast’s annual Talent Show. 

Congratulations to all of the performers! Special thanks to Miss Jenny for directing the show and to our PTO volunteers for their assistance in making this event possible! Way to go Northeast Stars!

Talent Show at Northeast

Submitted by Angela Plateroti


Westover Chooses Forgiveness

Westover held a school wide assembly all about forgiveness, the third Choose Love pillar on Wednesday, January 29. Students in grades K-3 practiced the forgiveness breath and listened to a read aloud of the book Allie All Along by Sarah Lynne Reul. Students in grades 4-6 watched a Kindness 101 segment on listening, which featured a man who believes listening is actually one of the best ways to show someone you care. Students were asked to turn-and-talk about how listening is connected to forgiveness. Additionally students helped model the Choose Love 4 Step Apology, which involves explaining what you are sorry for, why it was wrong, what you will do in the future, and asking for forgiveness. 


Later in the day Westover staff received a special visit from Scarlett Lewis, founder of Choose Love, who came to meet with Westover’s sixth grade teachers. The sixth grade team was so motivated and inspired by her visit. Westover looks forward to continuing to expand the Choose Love program with our middle school students. Scarlett also walked the building afterschool and was humbled by the amazing bulletin board and student work related to Choose Love.

Westover's Choose Forgiveness AssemblyWestover's Choose Forgiveness Assembly


Westover Staff Participate in AI PD

A huge THANK YOU to Sean Hutchinson (Multimedia Specialist) and Stephanie Borgella (Fifth Grade Teacher) for leading an insightful and engaging professional development session on using AI platforms like ChatGPT, Gemini, Canva, and Gamma to support educators. Their expertise, practical strategies, and real-world examples showed us how AI can enhance lesson planning, streamline tasks, and create more engaging learning experiences for our students. Your passion for innovation is truly inspiring and we’re so excited to put these new tools into action!

Professional development at Westover

Submitted by Larissa Weir


Roxbury Rocks the 70s!

A huge Shout Out to our incredible Fifth Grade Strings, Rockestra, and Chorus for an unforgettable musical performance featuring hits from the 1970s! Under the amazing direction of Graham Leftwich, Sara Defilippo, and Paul Riccio, our talented students transported us back in time—straight to tie-dye shirts and flower power!


Their energy, passion, and musicianship had the audience dancing in their seats and singing along. Thank you to our dedicated students and teachers for always going above and beyond to create these magical performances. You make Roxbury proud! Bravo!

Roxbury's fifth grade musicians performing for their community Roxbury's fifth grade musicians performing for their community


Stamford Judge visits the Fourth Grade

Fourth grade had the privilege of hosting Judge Blawie on Friday, January 17. He spoke about the three branches of government, specifically the judicial branch, and how they function at the city and state level. This ties into our Social Studies curriculum about Connecticut. The students were very enthusiastic and enjoyed interacting with the judge. 

Judge Blawie at Roxbury


Flashlight Reading Night Was a Bright Success!

A huge Shout Out to ROPE for organizing another fantastic family event! Our students had a blast finding cozy reading spots in the media center and auditorium, shining their flashlights as they enjoyed books with friends.


The night was made even more special with a surprise visit from our Mystery Reader—Dr. Bonasera! Thank you to everyone who joined in for this magical evening of literacy and fun. Roxbury loves reading!

Roxbury students participating in Flashlight Reading Roxbury students participating in Flashlight Reading

Submitted by Sandra Ehlers


Toquam PAWS Assembly Celebrates Caring Hearts at Toquam! 

Toquam School held their monthly PAWS Assembly as part of their ongoing PBIS program. This month’s PAWS Assembly was hosted by our amazing Kindergarten teachers and students. Our scholars learned all about how we can have “Caring Hearts” at school and take care of each other, help one another, and follow the rules! Our scholars were also treated to a sneak preview of our spring school musical, Aladdin, Jr., when our Aladdin, Jr. cast sang “One Jump Ahead” for the crowd! Thank you Toquam Kindergarten teachers and students for a great PAWS Assembly! 

Toquam's PAWS AssemblyToquam's PAWS Assembly

Toquam's PAWS Assembly

Submitted by Jenna Cinelli


TOR Student Leadership Team Members Share Progress

TOR is focused on fostering student leadership and voice. At our mid-year parent meeting on January 30, held at Building One Community and online, three TOR Student Leadership Team members presented on the amazing work of our Student Leadership Council. Julia Claps, Lexi Dec, and Vedhamithra Prabhakar shared information, council projects, and events with about 50 parents. They are pictured with Grade 8 Teacher Amy Jones and Parent Facilitator Patty Morales, who support the work of the council, along with Grade 7 Teacher Olivia Hagopian.

TOR student leaders with staff

Submitted by Mark Bonasera


Shoutout to Our Amazing APPLEWOOD Staff!

On our half-day, our dedicated staff came together to create vision boards for our preschool graduates as they prepare to leave APPLES! Each team created a personalized portrait of a graduate, incorporating the essential dispositions from the CTELDS (be creative, inquisitive, flexible, critical thinkers, purposeful, reflection and social learners). 


This collaborative experience was a fantastic way to reflect on our progress halfway through the year, ensure we are aligned in our mission, and celebrate the teamwork that makes our school so special. Thank you to our incredible educators for your commitment to our students’ success! 

APPLES staff creating vision boards for their soon-to-be graduatesAPPLES staff creating vision boards for their soon-to-be graduates

APPLES staff creating vision boards for their soon-to-be graduates

Submitted by Brooke Pelli


What is an SPS Shout Out?

An SPS Shout Out is a special recognition that acknowledges school communities, staff members or students who have inspired us with a unique project, an outstanding job or a special effort that had a positive impact on our students or community.  Each week we will celebrate a few by sharing with all SPS staff and posting on the district website. Please share any or all of these with your friends and families.   

SPS Administrators can submit Shout Outs for consideration through the link available in the Administrator Weekly. Please note the deadline, word limit, and photo limit. We look forward to seeing your submissions!


District News

The Weekly

from Dr. Tamu Lucero, Superintendent.

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District Strategic Plan

2022-2027 SPS District Strategic Planning Process

SPS Pride Points


green block capital a green apple

The APPLES Program is: Age-Appropriate Peers Playing, Learning, & Exploring in School.

School of Distinction

green block capital a green apple

 Apples won a School of Excellence Distinction award for having the first PTA in a preschool in CT.

Early Childhood Education

green block capital a green apple

APPLES Early Childhood Educational Center offers three different programs to support students 3-5 years old.